Conodonta - Protopanderodontida - Drepanoistodontidae
Parent taxon: Drepanoistodontidae according to L. J. Pyle and C. R. Barnes 2002
See also Sepkoski 2002 and Stouge 1984
Sister taxa: Laurentoscandodus, Nordiodus, Paltodus, Paroistodus, Venoistodus
Subtaxa: Drepanoistodus amoenus Drepanoistodus basiovalis Drepanoistodus bellburnensis Drepanoistodus costatus Drepanoistodus deltifer Drepanoistodus forceps Drepanoistodus latus Drepanoistodus pitjanti Drepanoistodus suberectus Drepanoistodus tablepointensis Drepanoistodus venustus
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Silurian of Canada (2: Québec collections), Malaysia (1)
• Aluoja of Sweden (8)
• Whiterockian of Canada (5: British Columbia, Northwest Territories), United States (3: Nevada)
• Fennian of Canada (1: New Brunswick)
• Volkhov of Estonia (11), the Russian Federation (11), Sweden (7)
• Dawan of China (1)
• Arenig of Argentina (2), Australia (1), China (11), the Russian Federation (1)
• Arenigian of United States (1: Alaska)
• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (20: Nunavut, Québec)
• Ordovician of Argentina (26), Australia (6), Austria (1), Canada (147: British Columbia, Cape Manning, Cornwallis Island, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (54), Estonia (16), Germany (1), Greenland (9), Iran (2), Ireland (1), Kazakhstan (1), Lithuania (1), Malaysia (5), New Zealand (3), Norway (2), Peru (1), Poland (7), the Russian Federation (33), Sweden (17), the United Kingdom (1), United States (90: Alaska, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wyoming)
• Tremadoc of Argentina (1), Canada (9: British Columbia), China (8), Iran (3), Kazakhstan (2), South Korea (3), Sweden (3), United States (1: Virginia)
• Ibexian of United States (2: Nevada, New York)
• Cambrian of Canada (4: Alberta, Nunuvat), China (2), Norway (1)
Total: 549 collections including 659 occurrences
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