Changquin woodi Vucetich et al. 2014 (caviomorph)

Mammalia - Rodentia

Full reference: M. G. Vucetich, M. E. PĂ©rez, M. R. Ciancio, A. A. Carlini, R. H. Madden and M. J. Kohn. 2014. A new acaremyid rodent (Caviomorpha, Octodontoidea) from Scarritt Pocket, Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Patagonia (Argentina). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(3):689-698

Belongs to Changquin according to M. G. Vucetich et al. 2014

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MPEF PV 8093, a mandible (left fragmentary mandible of a juvenile without anterior and pos- terior portions, with the talonid of dp4, m1, and erupting m2.). Its type locality is Crater Lake Beds - Scarritt Pocket, which is in a Chattian crater lake conglomerate/sandstone in the Sarmiento Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Crater Lake Beds - Scarritt Pocket

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