Neoptychites (Hoplites) wohltmanni von Koenen 1897 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Hoplitidae

Full reference: A. von Koenen. 1897. Ueber Fossilien der unteren Kreide am Ufer des Mungo in Kamerun. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. Neue Folge 1:3-48

Belongs to Neoptychites (Hoplites) according to A. von Koenen 1897

See also Cobban and Hook 1980, Renz 1982, Reyment 1955, Reyment 1958 and Solger 1904

Sister taxa: Hoplites (Hoplites), Hoplites (Isohoplites), Hoplites aguilearae, Hoplites mirabiliformis, Hoplites moutonianus, Hoplites obtusenodosa, Hoplites symonensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Mungo River, between Mundame and Eliki, which is in a Turonian carbonate limestone/sandstone in the Mungo River Formation of Cameroon

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Mungo River, between Mundame and Eliki

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