Cyathodophyllum Jordan et al. 2010 (heather)

Dicotyledoneae - Ericales - Ericaceae

Full reference: G. J. Jordan, J. M. Bannister, D. C. Mildenhall, R. Zetter, and D. E. Lee. 2010. Fossil Ericaceae from New Zealand: Deconstructing the Use of Fossil Evidence in Historical Biogeography. American Journal of Botany 97(1):59-70

Parent taxon: Ericaceae according to G. J. Jordan et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Agaurioxylon, Andromeda, Andromedeae, Andromedites, Arbutites, Arbutus, Arctostaphyloides, Arctostaphylos, Brachyloma, Calluna, Cosmelieae, Cyathodes, Dendrium, Dermatophyllites, Epacridiphyllum, Epacriphyllum, Epacris, Ericiphyllum, Ericipites, Gaultheria, Gaylussacia, Kalmia, Kalmiophyllum, Leucothoe, Lyonia, Monotoca, Needhamiella, Orphanidesites, Pieris, Rhododendron, Richea, Richeaphyllum, Trochocarpa, Weylandicutis, Xolisma, Xylococcus

Subtaxa: Cyathodophyllum novaezelandiae

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Type: Cyathodophyllum novaezelandiae

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at F45/f0394, middle Gore Lignite Measure, Newvale Mine (Oligocene to Miocene of New Zealand)

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