Comptonia Gray 1840 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Valvatida - Goniasteridae

Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1840. A synopsis of the genera and species of the class Hypostoma Asterias (Linn.). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6:275-290

Parent taxon: Goniasteridae according to G. Breton 1992

See also Forbes 1841, Gale 2020, Sepkoski 2002 and Spencer and Wright 1966

Sister taxa: Bugarachaster, Buterminaster, Caletaster, Calliaster, Calliderma, Capellia, Cenomanaster, Ceramaster, Chomataster, Cladaster, Codellaster, Comptoniaster, Cottreauaster, Crateraster, Cymbaster, Fayoumaster, Fomalhautia, Forbesiaster, Fredaster, Galbaster, Goniasterinae, Haccourtaster, Hessaster, Hippasteria, Hippasteriinae, Huroeaster, Leptogonium, Marocaster, Mastaster, Mediaster, Metopaster, Miopentagonaster, Nehalemia, Noviaster, Nymphaster, Ocalaster, Ogmaster, Ophryaster, Oyenaster, Pachyaster, Paragonaster, Parametopaster, Peedeeaster, Peltaster, Pentetagonaster, Pulcinellaster, Spenceraster, Talecaster, Teichaster, Tesselaster, Tomidaster, Tosia, Tylasteria, Weitschataster

Subtaxa: Comptonia bretoni Comptonia bruni Comptonia elegans Comptonia soullansensis Comptonia stelcki Comptonia thierryi Comptonia wightensis

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Type: Comptonia elegans

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Cretaceous of Canada (1: Alberta collection), France (7)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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