Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Kossmaticeratidae
Alternative combination: Grossouvrites johare
Full reference: C. Salazar, W. Stinnesbeck, and L. A. Quinzio-Sinn. 2010. Ammonites from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Quiriquina Formation in central Chile. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 257:181-236
Belongs to Grossouvrites according to J. D. Witts et al. 2015
See also Salazar et al. 2010
Sister taxon: Grossouvrites gemmatus
Type specimen: CPUC/Q/LT/100, a shell. Its type locality is Las Tablas, Quiriquina Island (locality LT, beds with concretions), which is in a Maastrichtian marine sandstone in the Quiriquina Formation of Chile.
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 137.1
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (54 collections), Chile (3)
Total: 57 collections each including a single occurrence
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