Platystrophia caelata Williams 1974 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Platystrophiidae

Full reference: A. Williams. 1974. Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Shelve District, Shropshire. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Geology), Supplement 11:1-158

Belongs to Platystrophia according to A. Williams 1974

Sister taxa: Orthis (Platystrophia) cypha, Orthis (Platystrophia) laticosta, Platystrophia acutilirata, Platystrophia amoena, Platystrophia anomala, Platystrophia baltica, Platystrophia biforatus, Platystrophia chama, Platystrophia clarksvillensis, Platystrophia colbiensis, Platystrophia costata, Platystrophia costatus, Platystrophia crassa, Platystrophia crassoplicata, Platystrophia cypha, Platystrophia dentata, Platystrophia elegantula, Platystrophia extensa, Platystrophia hongueda, Platystrophia humilis, Platystrophia inferaplica, Platystrophia jaaniensis, Platystrophia laticosta, Platystrophia lutkevichi, Platystrophia orbiculata, Platystrophia pogrebovi, Platystrophia ponderosa, Platystrophia profundosulcata, Platystrophia putilovensis, Platystrophia quadriplicata, Platystrophia saxbyensis, Platystrophia scotica, Platystrophia tenuicosta, Platystrophia tenuicostata, Platystrophia tramorensis, Platystrophia trentonensis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (6 collections)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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