Anthozoa - Stauriida - Verbeekiellidae
Alternative combination: Verbeekia permica
Full reference: K. A. Penecke. 1908. Ueber eine neue Korallengattung aus der Permformation von Timor. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie 37:657-659
Belongs to Verbeekiella according to K. A. Penecke 1908
See also Penecke 1908
Sister taxa: Verbeekiella australis, Verbeekiella crassiseptata, Verbeekiella guizhouensis, Verbeekiella hechiensis, Verbeekiella mersa, Verbeekiella puanensis, Verbeekiella rothpletzi, Verbeekiella talboti, Verbeekiella xizangensis, Verbeekiella yuquanense
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Ajer Mati (Verbeek collection) (Permian of Indonesia)
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