Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Postepithyrididae
Full reference: S. S. Buckman. 1917. The Brachiopoda of the Namyau Beds, Northern Shan States, Burma. Palaeontologia Indica 3(2):1-254
Belongs to Holcothyris according to M. R. Sahni 1940
Sister taxa: Holcothyris acuminata, Holcothyris ancile, Holcothyris angulata, Holcothyris angusta, Holcothyris breviseptata, Holcothyris campbelli, Holcothyris concava, Holcothyris cooperi, Holcothyris curvata, Holcothyris delta, Holcothyris depressa, Holcothyris dubia, Holcothyris elliptica, Holcothyris excavata, Holcothyris golmudensis, Holcothyris kaiwaraensis, Holcothyris laosensis, Holcothyris luchiangensis, Holcothyris macra, Holcothyris micromorpha, Holcothyris orbicularis, Holcothyris ovata, Holcothyris ovoides, Holcothyris perplicata, Holcothyris plecta, Holcothyris raoi, Holcothyris rostrata, Holcothyris rotundata, Holcothyris subcurvata, Holcothyris subovalis, Holcothyris tanggulaica, Holcothyris tenuis, Holcothyris trigonalis, Holcothyris trigonaris, Holcothyris triseptata
Type specimen: GSI Type No. 11762. Its type locality is Pangwoleng, which is in a Bathonian carbonate limestone in the Namyau Beds Formation of Myanmar.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of Myanmar (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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