Neograhamites carnarvonensis Henderson and McNamara 1985 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Kossmaticeratidae

Full reference: R. A. Henderson and K. J. McNamara. 1985. Maastrichtian Non-Heteromorph Ammonites from the Miria Formation, Western Australia. Palaeontology 28(1):34-88

Belongs to Neograhamites according to R. A. Henderson and K. J. McNamara 1985

Sister taxa: Neograhamites kiliani, Neograhamites taylori, Neograhamites transitorius

Type specimen: WAM 80.840, a shell. Its type locality is Loc. 9, Giralia Range [Miria Fm], which is in a Maastrichtian marine sandstone in the Miria Formation of Australia.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 49.0

Distribution: found only at Loc. 9, Giralia Range [Miria Fm]

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