Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Pholadomyidae
Alternative spelling: Palaeocosmomya
Full reference: H. O. Fletcher. 1946. New Lamellibranchia from the upper Permian of Western Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 21:395-405
Parent taxon: Cosmomya according to J. P. Neves et al. 2014
See also Dickins and Shah 1965 and Fletcher 1946
Sister taxon: Cosmomya (Cosmomya)
Subtaxa: Cosmomya (Palaeocosmomya) aplata Cosmomya (Palaeocosmomya) baitaquensis Cosmomya (Palaeocosmomya) teicherti Palaeocosmomya kochi Palaeocosmomya omoloniformica
Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (7 collections), Brazil (1), Greenland (1), Mongolia (2), the Russian Federation (9)
Total: 20 collections including 21 occurrences