Globivenus isocardia Verrill 1870 (venus clam)

Bivalvia - Cardiida - Veneridae

Alternative combinations: Antigona isocardia, Venus isocardia

Belongs to Globivenus according to E. V. Coan and P. Valentich-Scott 2012

See also Hertlein 1939

Sister taxa: Globivenus callimorpha, Globivenus effosa, Globivenus fordii, Globivenus magdalenae, Globivenus rigida, Globivenus rugatina, Globivenus vaquerosensis, Ventricolaria blandiana, Ventricolaria harrisiana

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at CAS Loc. 27255, James Bay, Isla San Salvador (Quaternary of Ecuador)

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