Turgaiscapha Averianov 2002 (leatherback)

Reptilia - Testudines - Dermochelyidae

Full reference: A. O. Averianov. 2002. Review of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sea turtles from the former USSR. Russian Journal of Herpetology 9(2):137-154

Parent taxon: Dermochelyidae according to A. O. Averianov 2002

Sister taxa: Arabemys, Chelonia californiensis, Dermochelyinae, Dermochelys, Egyptemys, Eosphargis, Maorichelys, Mesodermochelys, Natemys, Psephophorus

Subtaxa: Turgaiscapha kushmurunica

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Ecology: aquatic durophage-piscivore

Distribution: found only at Priozernyi quarry, Kushmurun (Cretaceous of Kazakhstan)

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