Timacella Radulovic and Radulovic 2002 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida

Full reference: V. Radulovic and B. Radulovic. 2002. Internal homeomorphy in some Lower-Cretaceous brachiopod genera (Terebratellidina) from the Carpatho-Balkanides, Eastern Serbia. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 95:401-413

Parent taxon: Terebratellidina according to A. Williams et al. 2007

Sister taxa: Antigoniarcula, Bouchardioidea, Dallinoidea, Eogryphus, Gwyniella, Hercothyris, Kingenoidea, Kraussinoidea, Kurakithyris, Laqueoidea, Leptothyrellopsis, Lutetiarcula, Magas, Megathyridoidea, Miogryphus, Mosaethyrididae, Platidioidea, Praeneothyris, Rhynchora, Rhynchorina, Terebratelloidea, Tiaretithyris, Xinjiangthyris, Yabeithyris, Yuezhuella, Zeillerioidea, Zhidothyris

Subtaxa: Timacella timacensis

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Type: Waldheimia timacensis

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Crnoljevica (RGF collection) (Cretaceous of Serbia and Montenegro)

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