Paucispinauria Waterhouse 1983 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Linoproductidae

Full reference: J. B. Waterhouse. 1983. Permian brachiopods from Pija Member, Senja Formation in Manang District of Nepal, with new brachiopod genera and species from other region. Bulletin of the Indian Geologists' Association 16(2):111-151

Parent taxon: Grandaurispininae according to A. Williams et al. 2000

See also Briggs 1998 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Pinegeria, Spargospinosa, Grandaurispina, Stepanoviella, Holotricharina, Terrakea, Cancrinella

Subtaxa: Paucispinauria concava Paucispinauria geniculata Paucispinauria paucispinosa Paucispinauria solida Paucispinauria verecunda

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Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Australia (115 collections), New Zealand (7)

Total: 122 collections including 124 occurrences

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