Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Loboidothyrididae
Full reference: M. R. Sandy. 1994. Triassic-Jurassic articulate brachiopods from the Pucara Group, central Peru, and description of the brachidial net in the spiriferid Spondylospira. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 233:99-126
Belongs to Loboidothyris according to M. R. Sandy 1994
Sister taxa: Loboidothyris aethiopica, Loboidothyris aualites, Loboidothyris awakinoensis, Loboidothyris baltzeri, Loboidothyris bisuffarcinata, Loboidothyris cleminshawi, Loboidothyris eggensis, Loboidothyris fordycei, Loboidothyris gigas, Loboidothyris grantmackiei, Loboidothyris ingens, Loboidothyris insignis, Loboidothyris lossii, Loboidothyris meeki, Loboidothyris mormonensis, Loboidothyris perchemensis, Loboidothyris perovalis, Loboidothyris retrocarinata, Loboidothyris robusta, Loboidothyris stockari, Loboidothyris subsella, Loboidothyris subselloides, Loboidothyris valjinensis, Loboidothyris vinassai, Loboidothyris waitomoensis
Type specimen: UMIP 22144. Its type locality is Manzanares section Man-2, which is in a Sinemurian reef, buildup or bioherm wackestone in the Condorsinga Formation of Peru.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of Peru (1 collection)
• Triassic of Peru (2)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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