Scaphelasma Cooper 1956 (lamp shell)

Lingulata - Acrotretida - Scaphelasmatidae

Parent taxon: Scaphelasmatidae according to J. Hansen and L. E. Holmer 2011

See also Cooper 1956, Holmer 1986, Holmer 1989, Popov 2000, Sepkoski 2002 and Williams et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Artiotreta, Eoscaphelasma, Rhysotreta, Tobejalotreta

Subtaxa: Scaphelasma afflata Scaphelasma anomalatum Scaphelasma bukowkense Scaphelasma lamellosum Scaphelasma mica Scaphelasma pussillum Scaphelasma scutula Scaphelasma septatum Scaphelasma subquadratum Scaphelasma tumidatum

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Type: Scaphelasma septatum

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Uhaku of Sweden (5 collections)

• Chazyan of United States (1: Alabama)

• Volkhov of Estonia (3)

• Ordovician of Argentina (3), Australia (4), Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador), Estonia (11), Ireland (2), Kazakhstan (2), Norway (8), Sweden (24), United States (1: Iowa)

Total: 65 collections including 73 occurrences

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