Angiospermae - Vitales - Vitaceae
Parent taxon: Vitaceae according to M. E. J. Chandler 1964
See also Chandler 1961, Collinson et al. 2012 and Knowlton 1919
Sister taxa: Ampelocissites, Ampelophyllum, Ampelopsis, Cayratia, Cissites, Cissophyllum, Cissus, Crassivitisemen, Palaeovitis, Tetrastigma, Vitigene, Vitiphyllum, Vitiphyllum, Vitis, Vitoxylon
Subtaxa: Parthenocissus britannica Parthenocissus jenkinsi Parthenocissus osborni Parthenocissus ursina
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Miocene of Germany (4 collections), Japan (2), the Russian Federation (4), United States (2: Idaho, Vermont)
• Oligocene of Germany (1), the Russian Federation (7), the United Kingdom (1)
• Eocene of Germany (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (2: Colorado, Oregon)
• Paleocene to Eocene of Belgium (1)
• Paleocene of United States (1: Montana)
Total: 28 collections including 30 occurrences
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