Lingulata - Acrotretida - Eoconulidae
Parent taxon: Eoconulidae according to J. Hansen and L. E. Holmer 2011
See also Holmer 1986, Holmer 1989, Puura and Holmer 1993, Sepkoski 2002, Williams et al. 2000 and Wright 1963
Sister taxa: Otariconulus, Undiferina
Subtaxa: Eoconulus antelopensis Eoconulus clivosus Eoconulus cryptomus Eoconulus cryptomyus Eoconulus dymiensis Eoconulus dyminensis Eoconulus rectangulatus Eoconulus robustus Eoconulus semiregularis Eoconulus subquadratus Eoconulus transversus
Type: Eoconulus rectangulatus
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Romania (1 collection)
• Uhaku of Sweden (6)
• Chazyan of United States (1: Alabama)
• Volkhov of Estonia (3)
• Ordovician of Argentina (2), Australia (1), Estonia (13), Iran (1), Ireland (2), Kazakhstan (1), Norway (2), Sweden (22)
• Tremadoc of Poland (1)
Total: 56 collections including 64 occurrences
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