†Vertebraria indica Royle 1839
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Synonym: Sphenophyllum indicum Unger 1850 [objective synonym]
Belongs to Vertebraria according to J. F. Royle 1840
See also Chandra and Tewari 1991, Feistmantel 1876, Lakhanpal et al. 1976 and Unger 1850
Sister taxa: Vertebraria australis, Vertebraria gondwanensis, Vertebraria myelonis, Vertebraria radiata, Vertebraria raniganjensis
Type specimens:
- Vertebraria indica: Its type locality is Raniganj, which is in a Wordian/Lopingian fluvial-lacustrine horizon in the Raniganj Formation of India
- Sphenophyllum indicum: India, Western Bengal, Burdwan District, Burdwan Coalfield (‘Bardwán’); Permian (Dept. Palaeontol., Nat. Hist. Mus. London, No. V5189), a root.
• Triassic of India (3 collections)
• Permian of Australia (16), India (56), South Africa (1)
• Carboniferous of India (1)
Total: 77 collections each including a single occurrence
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