Paracrochordiceras plicatus Bucher 1989 (ceratite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Acrochordiceratidae

Full reference: H. Bucher. 1989. Lower Anisian ammonoids from the northern Humboldt Range (northwestern Nevada, USA) and their bearing upon the Lower-Middle Triassic boundary. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 82:945-1002

Belongs to Paracrochordiceras according to H. Bucher 1989

Sister taxa: Paracrochordiceras americanum, Paracrochordiceras anodosum, Paracrochordiceras asseretoi, Paracrochordiceras benderi, Paracrochordiceras denseplicatum, Paracrochordiceras mclearni, Paracrochordiceras pandya, Paracrochordiceras pingtangense, Paracrochordiceras qinghaiense, Paracrochordiceras silberlingi, Paracrochordiceras welteri, Eoacrochordiceras ziyunense, Eoacrochordiceras evolutum, Preflorianitoides reniformis

Ecology: nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Bloody Canyon HB 180, northern Humboldti Range (Triassic of Nevada)

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