Perigeyerella chenxianensis Shen and Shi 2007 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Meekellidae

Full reference: S. Z. Shen and G. R. Shi. 2007. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods from South China. Part 1. Orthotetida, Orthida and Rhynchonellida. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum 6:1-102

Belongs to Perigeyerella according to S. Z. Shen and G. R. Shi 2007

Sister taxa: Perigeyerella costellata, Perigeyerella elongata, Perigeyerella fastigiata, Perigeyerella guangxiensis, Perigeyerella miriae, Perigeyerella obesa, Perigeyerella raffaellae, Perigeyerella rutehiana, Perigeyerella tricosa, Perigeyerella zhinanensis

Type specimen: NIGP 151625. Its type locality is Dapaichong Section, Bed 15, which is in a Changhsingian carbonate limestone in the Changhsing Formation of China.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Dapaichong Section, Bed 15

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