Sakawairhynchia zealandica Trechmann 1917 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Rhynchonellidae

Alternative combinations: Halorella zealandica, Rhynchonella zealandica

Full reference: C. T. Trechmann. 1917. The Trias of New Zealand. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 73(3):165-246

Belongs to Sakawairhynchia according to D. A. B. MacFarlan 1992

See also Force and Campbell 1974

Sister taxa: Sakawairhynchia aparimaensis, Sakawairhynchia bartrumi, Sakawairhynchia bencallumensis, Sakawairhynchia corbiensis, Sakawairhynchia diptonensis, Sakawairhynchia harihariensis, Sakawairhynchia hugonensis, Sakawairhynchia marokopana, Sakawairhynchia mokauensis, Sakawairhynchia momeaensis, Sakawairhynchia nezsaensis, Sakawairhynchia olenekensis, Sakawairhynchia tokombensis

Type specimen: BMNH B 50485, a shell. Its type locality is BM collection, Caroline Cutting, Hokonui Hills (E44/f9519), which is in a Ladinian marine horizon in New Zealand.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Kaihikuan of New Zealand (4 collections)

• Triassic of New Zealand (230)

Total: 234 collections each including a single occurrence

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