Scleromys schurmanni Stehlin 1940 (caviomorph)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Dinomyidae

Holotype: part of left maxilary with P4-M3 in place; no number. Topotypes: Isolated right lower p4 (UCMP no. 40557), Right upper M2 (UCMP no. 40556), Right upper M3 (UCMP no. 40555). (Fields 1957) Right spelling according to Stehling: Scleromys schürmanni

Full reference: H. G. Stehlin. 1940. Ein Nager aus dem Miocaen von Columbien. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 32:179-183

Belongs to Scleromys according to R. W. Fields 1957

See also Stehlin 1940

Sister taxa: Scleromys angustus, Scleromys colombianus, Scleromys osbornianus, Scleromys quadrangulatus

Ecology: ground dwelling frugivore-folivore

Average measurements (in mm): P4 diameter 3.37, M1 diameter 3.36, M2 diameter 3.42, M3 diameter 3.37, Femur head diameter 5.40, Femur neck diameter 2.92, Femur shaft at lesser trochanter diameter 5.05, I diameter 3.09


• Miocene of Colombia (14 collections), Peru (2)

Total: 16 collections each including a single occurrence

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