Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Lobothyrididae
Alternative combination: Terebratula ovatissimaeformis
Belongs to Lobothyris according to A. Dulai 2003
See also Dulai 1993 and Siblik 1993
Sister taxa: Lobothyris andleri, Lobothyris arcta, Lobothyris ceres, Lobothyris clevelandensis, Lobothyris complanata, Lobothyris crassa, Lobothyris deflecta, Lobothyris delta, Lobothyris dubia, Lobothyris edwardsi, Lobothyris fusiformis, Lobothyris germanica, Lobothyris hispanica, Lobothyris lata, Lobothyris monstrifer, Lobothyris moquensis, Lobothyris nux, Lobothyris ovatissima, Lobothyris ovulum, Lobothyris pervulgata, Lobothyris praepunctata, Lobothyris pseudocrithea, Lobothyris punctata, Lobothyris richardsi, Lobothyris romani, Lobothyris simesi, Lobothyris sinemuriensis, Lobothyris sospirolensis, Lobothyris subgregaria, Lobothyris swifti, Lobothyris taramellii, Lobothyris triassicus, Lobothyris tuchkovi, Lobothyris uniplicata, Lobothyris zhonghuaensis
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of Austria (1 collection), France (1), Hungary (23), Italy (5)
Total: 30 collections each including a single occurrence
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