†Indigirites krugi Popov 1946 (ceratite)
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Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Nathorstitidae
Synonym: Indigirites boehmi Tozer 1994
Belongs to Indigirites according to A. S. Dagys and A. G. Konstantinov 1997
See also Arkadiev and Vavilov 1984, Bychkov et al. 1976 and Tozer 1994
Sister taxa: Indigirites argatassensis, Indigirites tozeri, Indigirites tzaregradskii
Type specimens:
- Indigirites krugi: Its type locality is Turakh-Yuryakh Creek, upper reaches of Indigirka River, which is in a Longobardian marine horizon in the Russian Federation
- Indigirites boehmi: GSC 28590. Its type locality is GSC 68248, Boiler Canyon, Liard River, which is in a Longobardian marine siliciclastic in the Toad Formation of Canada.
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 24.6
• Triassic of Canada (21: British Columbia collections), the Russian Federation (10)
Total: 31 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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