Lucinoma (Lucinoma) Dall 1901 (clam)

Bivalvia - Lucinida - Lucinidae

Parent taxon: Lucinoma according to H. Moths et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Lucinoma acutilineata, Lucinoma aequizonata, Lucinoma annulatum, Lucinoma chiripanica, Lucinoma columbiana, Lucinoma contracta, Lucinoma filosa, Lucinoma hannibali, Lucinoma nagaoi, Lucinoma persolida, Lucinoma playaensis, Lucinoma promaucana, Lucinoma subcalcareous, Lucinoma taylori, Lucinoma zapotalensis

Subtaxa: Lucinoma (Lucinoma) borealis

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Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal chemosymbiotic


• Quaternary of Belgium (1 collection), France (1), Italy (1), the Netherlands (2), the United Kingdom (4)

• Pliocene of Belgium (7), Japan (1), the Netherlands (1), the United Kingdom (5)

• Miocene of Austria (2), Belgium (14), Germany (23), Italy (4), Morocco (5), the Netherlands (1), Poland (4), Slovakia (1)

• Oligocene of Denmark (3), Hungary (2)

Total: 82 collections including 83 occurrences

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