Arenaria Brisson 1760 (snipe)

Aves - Charadriiformes - Scolopacidae

Synonym: Strepsilas Illiger 1811 [objective synonym]

Parent taxon: Scolopacidae according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017

See also Olson and James 1982

Sister taxa: Actitis, Bartramia, Calidriinae, Calidrinae, Calidris, Coenocorypha, Elorius, Eroliinae, Gallinago, Heteroscelus, Limnodromus, Limosa, Limosinae, Lymnocryptes, Numeniinae, Numenius, Nuntius, Palaeotringinae, Paractitis, Parvelorius, Phalaropus, Philohela, Prosobonia, Scolopacinae, Scolopax, Totanus, Tringa, Tringinae, Tryngites, Villetus, Xenus

Subtaxa: Arenaria interpres Arenaria melanocephala

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Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore


• Quaternary of the Bahamas (1 collection), Ecuador (1), Finland (1), Greenland (1), Peru (1), Solomon Islands (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (4: California)

Total: 12 collections including 13 occurrences

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