Stenolaemata - Rhabdomesida - Rhabdomesidae
Full reference: R. V. Gorjunova. 1975. Permian Bryozoans of the Pamirs. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 148:1-127
Belongs to Rhabdomeson according to R. V. Gorjunova 1975
Sister taxa: Rhabdomeson arsenjevi, Rhabdomeson bellum, Rhabdomeson bispinosum, Rhabdomeson bretnalli, Rhabdomeson coniforme, Rhabdomeson consimile, Rhabdomeson consimiliforme, Rhabdomeson crockfordae, Rhabdomeson divaricatum, Rhabdomeson eximium, Rhabdomeson floriferum, Rhabdomeson grande, Rhabdomeson latum, Rhabdomeson libitum, Rhabdomeson mammillatum, Rhabdomeson noinskyi, Rhabdomeson ofukuensis, Rhabdomeson purus, Rhabdomeson rhombiferum, Rhabdomeson simulatum
Type specimen: PIN 2351/452. Its type locality is Kukhifrush Mountain, southwest Darvaz, which is in an Artinskian marine horizon in the Sebisurkhskaya Formation of Tajikistan.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Kukhifrush Mountain, southwest Darvaz
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