Stenolaemata - Trepostomida - Stenoporidae
Full reference: M. A. Fritz. 1962. A new bryozoan genus from Lake Hazen, Northeastern Ellesmere Island. Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada 13:53-54
Belongs to Arcticopora according to H. A. Nakrem and A. Ernst 2008
See also Fritz 1962
Sister taxa: Arcticopora abnorme, Arcticopora amurense, Arcticopora dagysi, Arcticopora debilis, Arcticopora formosum, Arcticopora jakutica, Arcticopora kobayashii, Arcticopora lobatula, Arcticopora morbosa, Arcticopora novella, Arcticopora recubariensis, Arcticopora sparsa, Arcticopora winsnesi
Type specimen: Its type locality is Lake Hazen, CB-57-5-28/F, Ellesmere Island, which is in a Dienerian marine siltstone/mudstone in the Blind Fiord Formation of Canada
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Triassic of Canada (7: Nunavut collections)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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