Bivalvia - Pectinida - Aviculopectinidae
Full reference: Q. L. Feng, X. S. Cui, and B. P. Liu. 1992. Discovery of Late Permian bivalve fauna from Laochang of Lancang, west Yunnan and its biogeographic characteristics. Earth Science - China University of Geosciences 17:512-520
Belongs to Paradoxipecten according to Q. L. Feng et al. 1992
Sister taxa: Paradoxipecten dalongensis, Paradoxipecten flabelliformis, Paradoxipecten jiaheensis, Paradoxipecten latisinus, Paradoxipecten longispinus, Paradoxipecten opisthoclinus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Laochang, Lancang, which is in a Changhsingian marine siliciclastic in the Laochang Formation of China
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Laochang, Lancang
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