Bressanichnus patagonicus Calvo 1991 (coelurosaur)

Reptilia - Theropoda

Full reference: J. O. Calvo. 1991. Huellas de dinosaurios en la Formación Río Limay (Albiano-Cenomaniano?), Picun Leufú, Provincia de Neuquén, Republica Argentina. (Ornithischia-Saurischia: Sauropoda-Theropoda) [Dinosaur footprints in the Río Limay Formation (Albian-Cenomanian?), Picun Leufú, Neuquén Province, Argentine Republic. (Ornithischia-Saurischia: Sauropoda-Theropoda)]. Ameghiniana 28(3-4):241-258

Belongs to Bressanichnus according to J. O. Calvo 1991

See also Calvo 2007 and Krapovickas et al. 2020

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MUCPv 60 (plastotype), a footprint. Its type locality is Peninsula Nueva tracksite (level 4), which is in a Cenomanian delta plain sandstone in the Candeleros Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore


• Cretaceous of Argentina (7 collections)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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