Rhynchostreon (oyster)

Bivalvia - Ostreida - Gryphaeidae

Parent taxon: Exogyrinae according to S. Mendir et al. 2021

See also Aberhan et al. 2004 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Amphidonteini, Ceratostreon, Costagyra, Exogyra, Exogyrini, Fluctogyra, Ilymatogyra, Nanogyra, Nanogyrini, Nutogyra, Planospirites, Vultogryphaea

Subtaxa: Rhynchostreon etalloni Rhynchostreon mermeti Rhynchostreon plicatulum Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum Rhynchostreon tombeckianum

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Type: Rhynchostreon chaperi

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of Afghanistan (2 collections), Algeria (7), Angola (1), Brazil (13), the Czech Republic (4), Egypt (48), France (15), Gabon (1), Germany (3), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Jordan (3), Kyrgyzstan (4), Libya (1), Morocco (2), Peru (7), Poland (1), Spain (2), Tunisia (1), United States (7: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)

Total: 124 collections including 129 occurrences

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