†family Neitheidae Sobetzky 1960 (scallop)

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Neitheoidae

Parent taxon: Neitheoidae according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011

See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Scholz et al. 2008 and Waller 2006

Sister taxon: Tosapectinidae

Subtaxa: Neithea Weyla

view classification

Type: Neithea

Ecology: epifaunal suspension feeder


• Paleocene of France (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Afghanistan (2), Albania (2), Algeria (4), Angola (7), Argentina (1), Australia (1), Austria (4), Belgium (2), Brazil (62), Bulgaria (1), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), Ecuador (3), Egypt (23), Ethiopia (2), France (18), Gabon (1), Germany (10), Hungary (1), India (4), Iran (7), Italy (8), Jamaica (2), Japan (17), Jordan (3), Kazakhstan (2), Lebanon (1), Libya (6), Madagascar (11), Mexico (11), Mozambique (4), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (3), Nigeria (1), Oman (5), Pakistan (2), Peru (4), Poland (6), Portugal (15), Romania (2), the Russian Federation (2), Saudi Arabia (1), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Slovenia (1), South Africa (2), South Atlantic (1), Spain (6), Sweden (1), Tanzania (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Tunisia (1), Turkey (3), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (1), the United Arab Emirates (3), the United Kingdom (21), United States (88: Alabama, Arizona, California, Delaware, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, Tennessee, Texas), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (2), Yemen (3)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Antarctica (1)

• Jurassic of Argentina (67), Canada (193: Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon), Chile (220), Madagascar (4), Mexico (13), Spain (24), United States (8: Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Chile (1)

• Triassic of United States (1: Nevada)

Total: 939 collections including 1202 occurrences

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