Metaxyspongia Wu et al. 2005 (glass sponge)

Hexactinellida - Reticulosa - Protospongiidae

Full reference: W. Wu, A. Yang, D. Janussen, M. Steiner, and M. Zhu. 2005. Hexactinellid sponges from the early Cambrian black shale of South Anhui, China. Journal of Paleontology 79(6):1043-1051

Parent taxon: Protospongiidae according to W. Wu et al. 2005

Sister taxa: Acanthodictya, Actinodictya, Brooksella, Diagoniella, Gabelia, Heminectere, Hexatractiella, Hunanospongia, Iberospongia, Kiwetinokia, Megastylia, Palaeosaccus, Plectoderma, Protospongia, Quadrolaminiella, Saetaspongia, Sanshapentella, Testiispongia, Triticispongia

Subtaxa: Metaxyspongia skelidata

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Pangwangcun Village, near Jianxin; ~170m (Cambrian of China)

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