†Huananoceras involutum Chao and Liang 1974 (ceratite)
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Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Huananoceratidae
Alternative combination: Tapashanites involutus
Belongs to Huananoceras according to M. Q. Wang 1990
See also Leonova 2002 and Zhao et al. 1978
Sister taxa: Huananoceras leiyangense, Huananoceras pseudoopalinum, Huananoceras pseudoperornatum, Huananoceras qianjiangense
Type specimen: Its type locality is Dawangcun, Xuancheng County, which is in a Wuchiapingian coastal siliciclastic in the Longtan Formation of China
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 32.2
• Permian of China (7 collections), the Russian Federation (2)
Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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