Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae
Alternative combination: Euclastes hutchisoni
Full reference: S. C. Lynch and J. F. Parham. 2003. The first report of hard-shelled sea turtles (Cheloniidae sensu lato) from the Miocene of California, including a new species (Euclastes hutchisoni) with unusually plesiomorphic characters. PaleoBios 23(3):21-35
Belongs to Pacifichelys according to J. F. Parham and N. D. Pyenson 2010
See also Lynch and Parham 2003
Sister taxon: Pacifichelys urbinai
Type specimen: LACM 103351, a skull (nearly complete skull and mandible). Its type locality is Sharktooth Hill Bonebed, which is in a Langhian terrestrial siltstone in the Temblor Formation of California.
Ecology: aquatic durophage
Distribution: found only at Sharktooth Hill Bonebed
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