Angiospermae - Laurales - Lauraceae
Parent taxon: Lauraceae according to F. H. Knowlton 1919
See also Brown 1959 and Liu et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Actinodaphne, Alseodaphne, Bandulskaia, Beilschmiedia, Benzoin, Cinnamomum, Crowella, Cryptocarya, Cryptocaryoides, Daphnogene, Daphnophyllum, Diemenia, Goeppertia, Lauraceaephyllum, Lauraceophylloderma, Lauranthus, Laurinastrum, Laurinoxylon, Laurocalyx, Laurocarpum, Laurophyllites, Laurophyllum, Laurus, Lindera, Litsaeophyllum, Litsea, Litseaphyllum, Litseopsis, Machilus, Machilusoxylon, Malapoenna, Marmarthia, Mauldinia, Mespilodaphne, Mezilaurinoxylon, Michilus, Nectandra, Nectandrophyllum, Neocinnamomum, Neolitsea, Nothaphoebe, Ocotea, Ocoteoxylon, Oreodaphne, Persea, Perseanthus, Perseoxylon, Persites, Phoebe, Piliparicutis, Potomacanthus, Potoxylon, Protoravensara, Sassafrophyllum, Trianthera, Ulminium, Umbellularia, Williamodendron
Subtaxa: Sassafras acutilobum Sassafras angustilobum Sassafras bilobatum Sassafras burpeana Sassafras dissectum Sassafras giganteum Sassafras hastatum Sassafras latilobum Sassafras mudgii Sassafras papillosum Sassafras parvifolium Sassafras platanoides Sassafras potomacensis Sassafras primordiale Sassafras progenitor Sassafras recurvatum Sassafras selwynii Sassafras subintegrifolium Sassafras thermale
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Pliocene of Germany (1 collection)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Japan (2)
• Miocene to Oligocene of United States (1: Montana)
• Miocene of China (1), Germany (4), United States (2: Idaho, Montana)
• Oligocene of United States (2: Idaho, Montana)
• Eocene of Canada (3: British Columbia), United States (7: Colorado, Idaho, Washington)
• Clarkforkian of United States (4: Wyoming)
• Paleocene of United States (22: Colorado, Montana, Wyoming)
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1), Canada (3: British Columbia), United States (11: Kansas, South Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming)
Total: 64 collections including 65 occurrences
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