†Gogia palmeri Sprinkle 1973
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Eocrinoidea - Gogiida - Eocrinidae
Full reference: J. Sprinkle. 1973. Morphology and evolution of blastozoan echinoderms. Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publication 1-283
Belongs to Gogia according to J. Sprinkle 1973
Sister taxa: Gogia granulosa, Gogia guntheri, Gogia hobbsi, Gogia kitchnerensis, Gogia longidactylus, Gogia multibrachiatus, Gogia ojenai, Gogia parsleyi, Gogia prolifica, Gogia spiralis, Gogia stephenensis, Eocrinus longidactylus, Eocrinus multibrachiatus
Type specimen: USNM 165418A
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at EC-1, Emigration Canyon, Lead Bell Shale [= Spence Shale] ( of Idaho)
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