Semeloseris asteroussiensis Bonneau et al. 1974 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Comoseridae

Full reference: M. Bonneau, L. Beauvais, and F. A. Middlemiss. 1974. L'unite de Miamou (Crete-Grece) et sa macrofaune d'age Jurassique superieur (Brachiopodes, Madreporaires) [The Miamou Unit (Crete, Greece) and its Upper Jurassic macrofauna (brachiopods, corals)]. Annales Societe Geologique du Nord 94(2):71-85

Belongs to Semeloseris according to M. Bonneau et al. 1974

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Miamou, Crete Island, which is in a Kimmeridgian reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Miamou Formation of Greece

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Miamou, Crete Island

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