Prothalassoceras Böse 1919 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Thalassoceratidae

Synonym: Allothalassoceras Leonova 2002

Full reference: E. Böse. 1919. The Permo-Carboniferous ammonoids of the Glass Mountains, west Texas, and their stratigraphic significance. Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Bulletin 1762:1-241

Parent taxon: Thalassoceratidae according to Z. R. Zhou 2017

See also Furnish et al. 2009, Korn 2006, Leonova 1989, Leonova 2002 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Aristoceras, Aristoceratinae, Gleboceratinae, Thalassoceratinae

Subtaxa: Allothalassoceras bogoslovskayae Allothalassoceras busterense Allothalassoceras karpinskyi Allothalassoceras sangvorense Prothalassoceras bashkiricum Prothalassoceras biforme Prothalassoceras bostocki Prothalassoceras caddoense Prothalassoceras dieneri Prothalassoceras inflatum Prothalassoceras jaikense Prothalassoceras kingorum Prothalassoceras notabile Prothalassoceras serratum Prothalassoceras solitum Prothalassoceras umbilicatum Prothalassoceras welleri

View classification

Type: Prothalassoceras welleri

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Permian of Canada (3: Nunavut, Yukon collections), China (1), East Timor (1), Kazakhstan (9), Tajikistan (7), United States (8: New Mexico, Texas)

• Carboniferous to Permian of Kazakhstan (1)

• Carboniferous of Kazakhstan (13), the Russian Federation (19), United States (9: New Mexico, Texas)

Total: 71 collections including 79 occurrences

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