Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Tetragonitidae
Alternative combination: Ammonites indra
Synonyms: Ammonites garuda Forbes 1846, Gaudryceras colloti de Grossouvre 1894
Full reference: E. Forbes. 1846. Report on the fossil invertebrata from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 2 7:97-174
Belongs to Pseudophyllites according to B. Niebuhr et al. 2016
See also Courville and Odin 2001, Forbes 1846, Henderson and McNamara 1985, Jones 1963, Kennedy 1986, Kennedy and Hancock 1993, Kennedy and Henderson 1992, Kennedy and Summesberger 1986, Klinger et al. 2001, Macellari 1986, Marshall 1926, Matsumoto 1959, Salazar et al. 2010, Shigeta and Maeda 2005, Ward and Kennedy 1993 and Zakharov et al. 2012
Sister taxa: Pseudophilites amphitrite, Pseudophilites nereidideditus, Pseudophyllites latus, Pseudophyllites loryi, Pseudophyllites pyrenaicus, Pseudophyllites teres
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 56.4
• Cretaceous of Australia (21 collections), Austria (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), Chile (2), France (8), India (1), Iran (1), New Zealand (1), North Pacific (1), the Russian Federation (5), South Africa (2), Turkey (1), United States (11: Alaska, California, New Jersey)
Total: 56 collections including 57 occurrences
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