Mammites nodosoides Schlüter 1871 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Acanthoceratidae

Alternative combination: Ammonites nodosoides

Synonyms: Mammites chouberti Collignon 1967, Schluetericeras laubei Hyatt 1903

Belongs to Mammites according to C. Wondrejz et al. 2023

See also Barroso-Barcenilla 2004, Barroso-Barcenilla 2007, Benavides-Caceres 1956, Chancellor 1982, Chancellor et al. 1994, Cobban and Hook 1983, Ifrim and Stinnesbeck 2007, Kennedy 1994, Kennedy et al. 2008, Kennedy and Gale 2016, Kennedy et al. 1987, Wilmsen and Nagm 2013, Wilmsen and Nagm 2014, Wright et al. 1996, Zaborski 1987 and Zaborski 1990

Sister taxa: Mammites afer, Mammites mohavanensis, Mammites mohovanensis, Mammites mutabilis, Mammites powelli, Mammites rancheriae, Mammites spinosus

Type specimens:

  • Mammites nodosoides: MMG SaK , a shell
  • Mammites chouberti:
  • Schluetericeras laubei:

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 101.8


• Cretaceous of Brazil (6 collections), Egypt (6), France (6), Germany (5), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Nigeria (1), Peru (1), Spain (2), Tunisia (4), United States (6: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah), Venezuela (2)

Total: 41 collections each including a single occurrence

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