Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Oppeliidae
Alternative spelling: Aconeceratidae
Parent taxon: Oppeliidae according to M. Matsukawa 2021
See also Arkell et al. 1957, El Qot 2018, Förster 1975, Henderson 1990, Klinger and Kennedy 1990, Renz 1982, Whitehouse 1926, Wright 1952 and Wright et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Bonarelliinae, Bradfordiinae, Bukowskites, Cieneguiticeras, Distichoceratinae, Glochiceras, Glochiceratinae, Hecticoceratinae, Mazapilitinae, Naramoceras, Ochetoceratinae, Oppelia, Oppeliinae, Oxycerites, Paroecotraustes, Paroxycerites, Pasottia, Prohecticoceras, Streblitinae, Taramelliceratinae
Subtaxa: Aconeceras Eofalciferella Falciferella Koloceras Protaconeceras Sanmartinoceras Sinzovia Theganoceras
Type: Aconeceras
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Angola (1 collection), Antarctica (11), Argentina (12), Australia (6), Canada (2: Yukon), Chile (2), Egypt (2), France (13), Greenland (3), Iran (29), Italy (1), Japan (2), Madagascar (2), Mozambique (2), Nigeria (2), the Russian Federation (2), South Africa (6), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (10), United States (1: California), Venezuela (2)
Total: 113 collections including 133 occurrences