†subfamily Spiriferininae Davidson 1884 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Spiriferinida - Spiriferinidae

Parent taxon: Spiriferinidae according to W. H. He and Z. Q. Chen 2016

See also Williams et al. 2006

Sister taxa: Jiangdaspiriferinae, Qinghaispiriferininae, Triadispirinae

Subtaxa: Calyptoria Spiriferina

View classification

Type: Spiriferina

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of Algeria (2 collections), Argentina (6), Austria (1), Bulgaria (4), Canada (1: Yukon), Chile (37), East Timor (1), France (18), Germany (17), Greece (1), Greenland (11), Hungary (2), Italy (1), Luxembourg (1), New Zealand (16), Portugal (1), Saudi Arabia (8), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovakia (3), Somalia (1), Spain (7), Switzerland (1), Tunisia (1), Turkey (4), the United Kingdom (5)

• Triassic of Austria (4), Bosnia and Herzegovina (8), Canada (7: British Columbia), Chile (3), China (3), Colombia (1), East Timor (1), Hungary (16), India (2), Indonesia (7), Iran (1), Italy (13), Japan (1), New Zealand (9), Papua New Guinea (4), Poland (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (9), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Thailand (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1), the United Arab Emirates (3), United States (21: Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada)

• Permian of Greenland (3), Iran (3), Italy (4), Laos (1), Malaysia (1), Pakistan (28), the Russian Federation (1), United States (19: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming)

• Carboniferous of India (1), United States (19: Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, Utah)

• Silurian of China (1)

Total: 357 collections including 399 occurrences

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