Teguliferina boesei King 1931 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Cyclacanthariidae

Alternative combination: Planispina boesei

Full reference: R. E. King. 1931. The Geology of the Glass Mountains, Texas, Part II, Faunal summary and correlation of the Permian formations with description of Brachiopoda. The University of Texas Bulletin 3042:1-245

Belongs to Teguliferina according to G. A. Cooper and R. E. Grant 1975

See also King 1931 and Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960

Sister taxa: Teguliferina chabartensis, Teguliferina compacta, Teguliferina deformis, Teguliferina geniculata, Teguliferina irregularis, Teguliferina miatschkowensis, Teguliferina parva, Teguliferina rossica, Teguliferina solidispinosa, Tegulifera uralica

Type specimen: Its type locality is R.E. King 93, Wolf Camp Hills, Glass Mountains, which is in an Asselian carbonate limestone in the Neal Ranch Formation of Texas.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of United States (35: Texas collections)

• Carboniferous of United States (21: Texas)

Total: 56 collections each including a single occurrence

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