†subfamily Compressoproductinae Jing and Hu 1978 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Monticuliferidae

Parent taxon: Monticuliferidae according to A. Williams et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Auriculispininae, Devonoproductinae, Eoproductellinae, Gigantoproductinae, Lercarella, Monticuliferinae, Striatiferinae, Zhejiangoproductus

Subtaxa: Compressoproductus Fallaxoproductus Regrantia Sarytchevinella

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Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Afghanistan (1 collection), Armenia (1), Azerbaijan (10), Cambodia (1), China (43), India (1), Iran (18), Japan (4), Mexico (3), Nepal (5), Pakistan (39), the Russian Federation (16), Tajikistan (4), Thailand (7), Ukraine (2), United States (81: New Mexico, Texas)

Total: 236 collections including 262 occurrences

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