Cephalopoda - Pseudorthocerida - Pseudorthoceratidae
Alternative combination: Orthoceras knoxensis
Invalid subtaxa: Mooreoceras normale Miller et al. 1933, Orthoceras colletti Morse 1931 [replaced name], Orthoceras cribrosum Geinitz 1866, Orthoceras rushensis Meek and Worthen 1873, Pseudorthoceras seminolense Girty 1911, Pseudorthoceras splendens Clifton 1942
Full reference: A. M. McChesney. 1859. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Paleozoic rocks of the western states. Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 1:1-76
Belongs to Pseudorthoceras according to B. Kröger and R. H. Mapes 2005
See also Clifton 1942, Gordon 1964, Hoare 1961, Miller et al. 1933, Miller and Thomas 1936, Miller and Youngquist 1947, Miller and Youngquist 1949, Morse 1931, Unklesbay and Palmer 1958 and Winters 1963
Sister taxa: Pseudorthoceras neumannae, Pseudorthoceras pillae, Pseudorthoceras simense, Pseudorthoceras stonense, Mooreoceras zalazarensis, Mooreoceras sibumasuense, Mooreoceras tuba, Mooreoceras regulare, Mooreoceras wedingtonianum, Mooreoceras australis, Mooreoceras giganteum
Subtaxa: Mooreoceras normale angusticameratum
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Permian of Azerbaijan (2 collections), United States (13: Arizona, Kansas, Texas, Wyoming)
• Carboniferous of Canada (1: Nova Scotia), the United Kingdom (17), United States (150: Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas)
Total: 183 collections including 199 occurrences
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