Asteroidea - Valvatida - Goniasteridae
Alternative combinations: Astrogonium smithii, Goniaster (Astrogonium) smithiae, Goniaster (Astrogonium) smithii, Goniaster smithii
Synonyms: Astrogonium latum Forbes 1848, Astrogonium latus Forbes 1848, Astrogonium mosaicum Forbes 1848, Astrogonium mosaicus Forbes 1848, Calliderma latum Forbes 1848, Calliderma mosaicum Forbes 1848, Goniaster (Astrogonium) latus Forbes 1848, Goniaster (Astrogonium) mosaicus Forbes 1848
Full reference: E. Forbes. 1848. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2(2):457-482
Belongs to Calliderma according to D. NĂ©raudeau and G. Breton 1993
See also Breton 1992, Carpenter 1882, Dujardin and Hupé 1862, Forbes 1848, Forbes 1850, Gale 1987, Gale 1989, Lewis 1993, Morris 1854, Quenstedt 1876, Schulz and Weitschat 1971, Schulz and Weitschat 1975, Sladen 1891, Spencer 1907, Spencer 1913 and Spencer and Wright 1966
Sister taxa: Calliderma (Mastaster), Calliderma atagensis, Calliderma juigneti, Calliderma moreaui, Calliderma viaudi
Type specimens:
- Calliderma smithiae: holotype BNHM OR 75997
- Calliderma latum:
- Goniaster (Astrogonium) mosaicus:
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
• Cretaceous of France (5 collections), the United Kingdom (3)
Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence
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