†Karagalax mamikhelensis Maas et al. 2001 (odd-toed ungulate)
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Full reference: M. C. Maas, S. T. Hussain, J. J. M. Leinders and J. G. M. Thewissen. 2001. A new isectolophid tapiromorph (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from the early Eocene of Pakistan. Journal of Paleontology 75(2):407-417
Belongs to Karagalax according to M. C. Maas et al. 2001
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: H-GSP 98186, a maxilla (right and left maxillae with P3-M3). Its type locality is Barbora Banda I, which is in an Eocene floodplain conglomerate in the Mami Khel Formation of Pakistan.
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
Distribution: found only at Barbora Banda I
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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